Fairbanks North Star Borough
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Update

A Stronger, More Resilient Economy.


Develop an updated Five-Year FNSB Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). A CEDS is a locally based, regionally driven planning document that guides local government and community action.


Brings the private and public sector together to develop a regional strategy and action plan.

Identifies projects and makes recommendations to support businesses, create more and better paying jobs, improve quality of life, and increase resilience.

Serves as a road map to economic resilience and prosperity.

Must go through a robust update every five years, with less intensive updates annually.


What Does a CEDS Include?


that tell the FNSB story – people, economy, regional comparisons

An economic vision

that describes what we want our future economy to look like

Goals, objectives, and strategies

that are specific and measurable and describe what we hope to accomplish over the next five years

Implementation plan

that describes how we'll work on our priorities and measure progress

Comparative analysis

that examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and competitive advantages/ disadvantages for FNSB overall and by sector

Who is leading and guiding the process?

Project Team

The Fairbanks North Star Borough led the process with assistance from Alaska-based Agnew::Beck Consulting and their partners, Northern Economics, Information Insights, and RESPEC (formerly PDC Engineers). 

Steering Committee: The FNSB Economic Development Commission provided feedback on the planning process, spread the word about outreach and provided input on CEDS findings and recommendations.

  • Mayor Bryce Ward – Chair
  • Mark Billingsley
  • Abigail Riggs
  • Paul Robinson
  • Russell Talvi
  • Renee Linton
  • Frank Tomaszewski – Assembly
  • Kristan Kelly – Assembly
  • Deb Hickok (past member)
  • Matt Cooper (past member)
  • Mindy O’Neall (past member)
  • Mike Meeks (past member, in memoriam)

About the Process

February 22 - 23, 2022: Interior Alaska Economic Summit

The 2022 Interior Alaska Economic Summit brought regional community, business, and industry leaders together to collaborate on economic opportunities as we work towards a stronger, more resilient Interior Alaska economy. 

Other Engagement

Summer 2021 through Winter 2022: Roundtables and Other Outreach

  • Stakeholder roundtables and conversations have also been hosted with the following: Explore Fairbanks Board and Staff; Mining Roundtable; Energy Roundtable; Greater Fairbanks Board of Realtors; Forestry Roundtable; Communications Roundtable; Health Care Roundtable; Research & Innovation Roundtable; Education & Workforce Development Roundtable; City of Fairbanks City Council; City of North Pole City Council; Child Care Roundtable; University of Fairbanks Student Government; small business owners and entrepreneurs
  • View the Resources section for slides and notes from the roundtables.

June 19, 2021: Midnight Sun Festival

July 13, 2021: Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Business Luncheon

July 24, 2021: Golden Days Street Fair

July 30 - August 8, 2021: Tanana Valley State Fair



Discover and Listen

Invite input
Compile and analyze data

Invite input, compile & analyze data

WINTER 2021 - SPRING 2022

Draft and Review

Create vision, goals, strategies
Host Economic Summit
Prepare draft CEDS

Host Summit and release public review draft


Finalize and Activate

Finalize the CEDS
Adopt the CEDS
Take action on CEDS recommendations

Adopt the CEDS


Community Involvement Documents & Tools

Economic Development Commission (EDC) Materials

Contact Us

Brittany Smart

Project Manager
FNSB Office of the Mayor
907-328-8027 (call or text)
907-459-1302 (direct)

Shelly Wade, AICP

Agnew::Beck Consulting
907-242-5326 (call or text)